
A good day for a good people

A good day for a good people
Be nice to all creation on Earth , that's the real happiness

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

What had i learn


Haa dah masuk sem 2 untk degree ni ..
Alahh baru sem 2 , choii ..

But still nak story about new things i have learned..
Learning from mistake.. yes ..

Teringat lagi tekanan mase sem 1 ..
ya Allah .. teringat mase final project paling stres..

yang jadi stresnye bukan apa taw ,
bile kite dh decide nak buat ape,
of course kene buat layout skit2 of something that yg kite nk buat ..
and bile tnjuk dekat studio master (SM) , kene kritik , and kene betulkan balik.
itu normal lg..
so buat lah balik, exatcly the things that mcm die nak la ..
lepas tu tunjuk balik pada SM, then die kritik balik ..
yg kte buat tu tk btul.. which actually kite dh ikut ape yg die nk suh buat tu ..
then kene betulkan balik..

and FYI actually studio master ad 2 taw ..
and FYI jugak , both of them have different opinions,
different minds, different critics..
yes ..

and bile kite buat ikut cara SM 1 , pastu esoknye SM 2 tgok ,
she will said " eh bukan ke u should do this n this "
"tapi madam , hr tu SM 1 ckp takleh buat like this n this "
"eh tapi boleh je sebenarnye like this n this "

YEAHHHH the very painful thingsss !

bile borak dengan senior, they said it's normal things
sampaiii lah habis degree..
TAPI .......
bile mengadu dekat lecturer ..
they said something that open up my mind ..

" Sebenarnye, bende ni melatih kite untuk kerja nanti .. Sebab nanti kerja , kita kene jumpe client, kene cooperate, and client usually have different mind with us.. hari ni nak mcm ni mcm ni.. esok, tukar plak, nak yang lain ... pastu kene cooperate dengan engineer, contractor.. These things la kadang2 mengajar kita untuk kawal emosi, kawal communication, tahu nak handle mcm mane "

YUPP.. and i agreed with that .. so for sem 2, i have a new mind, and new spirit..
Inshaa Allah i will do better..

3 ulasan:

  1. Assalam akak. Saya berminat nk amik architecture ni. Tapi saya dilema nak ambik senibina @ landscape. Saya takut jugak kalau nk ambik architecture ni sbb dia banyak pakai idea. Takut tkde idea hahaaha. Apa pendapat akak ek?

  2. Saya dr asasi sains tpi minat kos ni. Pointer brape ye layak? Susah tk kak kos ni? Harap akak balas :)


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